Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I do love this

I've been cluttering up my facebook feed for quite sometime with links and other hogwash. So maybe I'll post some of them here...I hear this is what twitter is for...if it wasn't a matter of Harrison mocking me, I might join...


I love this blog. It really is pretty wonderful. At least once a week there is an amazing post. Well, this week there have been two. First, there's a letter Frederick Douglas wrote to his old Master. If things could go viral in 1848, this would have. Second, there was a delightful letter from John Steinbeck to his editor, who he clearly feels a lot of affection for but is often frustrated by the publishing process:

The reader won't understand. What you call counterpoint only slows the book.

It has to be slowed—else how would you know when it goes fast?

You have stopped the book and gone into discussions of God knows what.

Yes, I have. I don't know why. Just wanted to. Perhaps I was wrong.

The book's too long. Costs are up. We'll have to charge five dollars for it. People won't pay $5. They won't buy it.

My last book was short. You said then that people won't buy a short book.

You can get the rest here